AIKnowIT is the project performed within the framework of the Interreg VI-A Poland – Denmark – Germany – Lithuania – Sweden (South Baltic) Programme 2021–2027 (1st Small-scale projects).
The project aims to build the platform for cooperation between universities and SMEs to enable exchange of knowledge and strengthen the connectivity by empowering digital innovation by application of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity solutions in various fields of industry and business. It aims to provide tools and opportunities for collaboration, academia and business can enhance knowledge sharing, foster innovation, and create mutual value for both sectors.
The project is implemented by international team, joining specialists from Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Germany.
Project duration: 2024-2026.
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the authors and can no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the Managing Authority of the Joint Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2021-2027.